If this bike is your child s first pedal bike after a balance bike the bike s seat should be set at or just below their inseam.
Baby bike for 5 year old.
We all know that adult cyclist that gets obsessive about how much his bike weighs.
Similarly the right size bike for a 5 year old falls into that same range.
Measuring your child s inseam is the best way to find the right bike size.
Shop our exciting range of kids bikes below.
Kids road bikes and bmxs.
Cannon was a loving child.
Alternatively take a look at our kids road bikes for an easy and smooth riding experience perfect for biking in the garden and long bike rides to the park and if your little one fancies trying their hand at bike motocross it s a cool bmx bike they ll need.
Kids bike size chart by inseam.
The best size bike for a 4 year old is either a 12 inch or 16 inch wheel depending on their height.
When you see it written like that it is immediately obvious why a child would benefit from a lighter bike.
A 16 inch bike is generally the best fit to purchase for 4 and 5 year olds.
And with over 100 years experience in the industry we have the expertise required to match your little one with the perfect ride.
Whether going to school or having fun with friends your child benefits from a bicycle.
Wheel sizes for kids bikes typically range from 12 inches to 24 inches so make sure to get the right wheel size for your child s height and age.
The correct frame size is the only way to ensure that your child reaches the floor safely and easily with both feet at the lowest saddle height.
Buy the lightest bike you can afford.
It s important for the size of the bike to match the size of the child so if they are shorter or taller than that they may need a smaller or larger bike to start out with.
If your child is already 6 or is a very tall 5 year old a 20 inch bike should also be considered to allow for more room for growth.
Shop child bike seats.
We pride ourselves on having one of the largest and most versatile ranges that features a bike for each stage of your child s development.
A 4 to 5 year old with a height of between 40 and 46 should be riding a 16 kids bike.
Your average adult weighs 177 lbs and your average 5 year old weighs 40 lbs.
But for a child it is way more important.
Most 8 and 9 year olds will fit on a 20 inch wheel bike.